I had no idea what I wanted to do with my career or my life, but that's not much different from now. I'll admit I have a better idea of what I want to do than I did in my freshman year of high school. That year I wrote a forty page script and started to make a film even though I had no idea what I was doing. I only started making it because I thought it would be fun. I had no idea it was a career option to work in media. The genre of the film was a mystery and it was an absolutely terrible story. I gathered my theatre/choir friends together and we started filming, but we didn't get super far, because in case you didn't know, making a film is a ton of work and we had absolutely no idea what we were doing.
The project ended up as a fluke, but that's okay because we had fun and we learned. I think as I've delved further into media, I've realized that I have forgotten to value the enjoyment of working on a project. It's unfortunate, because each project has allowed me to learn and grow, but sometimes I am so keen to get things done that I forget to be in the moment. It's important for me to step back and appreciate what we are doing if there is time to do so. I don't always need to be worried about time. There have been a few projects where there has been extra time and a little extra stress. I don't have as much experience working on sets that are slower-paced, so I think it's wrong for it to be that way. However, maybe some sets are fast-paced and others are slow-paced and there are ways to enjoy both, and to learn and grow in both atmospheres.
After freshman year, I didn't do any more video work until my senior year of high school when I became the ASB Video Coordinator. I took pictures and videos at every event and even helped my friend with his Teen Kids News segments on the side. I spent a lot of time working on videos, but even then I didn't know working in media could be a valid career path.
I found out about media communication at Point Loma Nazarene University, my current college, and I jumped on board. I have yet to regret the decision to join this major. It has changed my life in a million good ways.
That's all for now, thanks for reading!
Happy Purple Days!
~Analise Nelson